Welcome to the official website of CBL 2019

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The next CBL conference will be take place in Rennes from september 29 to october 1st. More information in the fall 2020

The 22th conference of Lactic Acid Bacteria Club will took place in CAEN.


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CBL (Lactic Acid Bacteria Club) is a scientific conference which brings together for over 30 years now researchers from both academy and industry with the objective to present and discuss recent advances in the field of lactic acid bacteria. Since its creation this original symposium has involved the following public institutions: the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER) and many universities. 

This 22th workshop edition is organised by staff of 2 laboratories of Caen University (ABTE and U2RM).

This scientific event was initially created to allow researchers from different French laboratories working with lactic acid bacteria, microbes we encounter daily for millennia, to know themselves, to meet, establish collaborations and to ensure the international influence of this field of research. In fact, in addition to researchers from French laboratories, the CBL also welcomes participants from French-speaking countries (Belgium, Switzerland, North Africa and Canada) and non-French speakers (Spain, Ireland, the Netherlands, etc.).

The CBL conference which now prouds itself to be the unique "non-formal and self-organized" symposium on LAB Science & Research allows young researchers, doctoral and post-doctoral students to present their work through posters, oral presentations and panel discussions.


 CONTACT | CBL2019@unicaen.fr 


 Photo credit : François DECAENS (Ville de Caen), Nathalie Desmasures (ABTE) 

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